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For Parents of Children from Difficult Beginnings of Adoption, Abuse
and Other Painful Childhood Experiences

Get FAST behavior change by Going Slow...

✨ Overcome Family Destroying Behavior in 6 months 
✨ Build A Life You Love in 1 year

I know others have promised you the moon, but they didn't have this: 
"Proven Effective By Hundreds of Parents"

Love+ Parenting Model

State-of-the-Healing-Arts Neuroscience-based Materials
Incredible Parent Support Community 
Lived Experience Post-Adoption Behavior Expert!  

Guaranteed, or your money back!

Click here to book a free consultation with Ce!
Click here to watch a short video message from Ce about how the Love+ Therapeutic Parenting Model Overcomes Destructive Behavior!

A Cautionary Tale:
Please Don't let this happen to you

I had this conversation recently and I want to share it with you. 
I bumped into a parent I worked with nearly 10 years earlier who came to my office for help. Back then, I encouraged her to focus on becoming the parent her child needed her to be, a parent who understood how trauma was impacting her child and her parenting. She wasn't able, at the time, to take her focus off of changing her child's behavior--so we amicably parted ways.  I asked her how things were going now, given her son is 14.  Sadly, she said, "He has been in therapy for the last 10 years straight and he still can't make friends, take turns, or be kind to others. I'm just as frazzled as ever." My stomach hit the floor.  There isn't anything more heartbreaking for me than talking to a parent I was trying desperately to give the keys for a better life to and finding out that what I predicted for them 10 years earlier happened.  I'm not boasting here, nor am I clairvoyant.  I've just been working with parents of children who experienced trauma for a long time now. 

I hear you. Show me how it works!

Imagine for just a moment...

...that you had a step-by-step method for slowing the roll on destructive behavior patterns in your home

...that you had the right tools and effective strategies to calm yourself and calm your child

...that you needed only one hour a week to become an expert in your family 

...that you would have access to a Post-Adoption, Lived Experience Behavior Expert plus an incredible Parent Support Community who really get you

...One hour a week would give you confidence, competence, and expertise to transform yourself

...You would have the right tools, basic and advanced skills, knowledge of the right order, with practice using the right timing, and so much more...

If you had enough support and expertise to practice new skills, can you imagine that you would... 

...Begin to feel immediate relief from chaos, outbursts, and refusal?

In fact, hundreds of parents are using the
Love+ Parenting Model 
to transform their family lives right now.
After one-year 99 percent of participants said they had more peace and freedom at home, so they could love their lives.  


Isn’t it great to imagine that you could create the family life you love and that there would be a whole community of others on the same path holding you up with hope and support? Wouldn't that be awesome?

Well, you don’t have to just “imagine” it. 

Love+ Parenting in the Love Matters Parenting Society Therapeutic Parent Program for Parents of Children from Difficult Beginnings is



Post-Adoption Expert and Adoptive Parent Approved!! 
Therapeutic Parent Training Program  
for Parents of Children from Difficult Beginnings 

Transform Lives!

No Questions Asked.

No Risk!

  1. Step-by-Step Coaching to Stop the Chaos!
  2. Short Videos AND Podcasts with a Resource eWorkbook for Easy Understanding
  3. All the Tools, All the Neuroscience, All the Brain-based Timing to Stop Meltdowns Before They Start
  4. And there are even Bonus Materials for Use with Your Children.

...because you deserve peace in your family life.

Step 1 is booking your FREE consultation call. Click here!

It's not true that you can't teach
an old dog new tricks.

It’s time for you to get all that you deserve!

Hundreds of parents have come here before you.
This is what they say...

Elaine D.
Mother of 1

"Family Changing Seriously!"

"This program has been family changing, seriously. It has helped me really focus on my blocks to therapeutic parenting, so that I can get my stuff out of the way and focus more fully on my kiddos needs.  I think the weekly material, even if you can't keep up 100%, is crucial. I need the reminders, I need new info, I need to be immersed so I am building a few new pathways of my own.  I would also recommend couples do the program together."

“Ce, you have a wonderful unique gift of being beautifully loving and kindly blunt. You come to the heart of the matter in a loving, wise, sensible and cut-the-cr** way. I simply love that about you.”

Sally R.
Adoptive Mother of 2

“This Program has guided me...to face parts of myself...”

“This program has guided me into being able to face parts of myself I wouldn't have been able to by reading more books. And when facing them, it's been ever so valuable to be able to reach out to other people who truly understand what I'm going through and get support from them.”.

Karly P.
Adoptive Mother of 2

"It's so worth it and you deserve it."

“Whether your traumatized child is doing OK right now or is scaring the daylights out of you, run, don't walk, to this program! The phenomenal content and advice has been transformational for me in just a few months. This isn't magic; you'll have to put in the time and effort. But it's so worth it, and you so deserve it.”

Micha R. Adoptive Father of 3

This program is designed to create a Lasting Transformation for Parents of Children from Difficult Beginnings.  Each section of this Love+ Parenting Model is laid out in 4 phases. 

1. YOU!

We are giving you everything you need to become an expert in your family, quiet the chaos, and love your life.

One hour a week, you will follow short videos and exercises designed to take the "hard" out of manifesting new eyes, new heart, new experience!

To get the most out of everything, there is group coaching, learning, sharing, and growing with parents who will get your journey and understand your goal to living peacefully in the family you love. Every parent here is on the happy family plan. Isn't it time you gave yourself this gift and came out of the shadows with the truth about how hard it is to live in your family without this level of support?

“I am so very very grateful for our community and the material - the difference between my life today and several years ago is like the difference between sitting calmly in the hot tub with you guys and a glass of apple juice in my hand and being all by myself far out at sea, drowning, with no land in sight.  I'm not exaggerating. I love to tell people about you whenever I can! This is THE place to be when raising our kids.

Lisa K.
Mother of 3

SEE what's waiting for you inside once you register…

One Hour A Week with other parents who "get you." Short videos and easy to understand guides
In 90-Days you will crush the chaos you are living with, and be well on your way to creating a life you love.

Phase 1:

All About You:

The #1 most important person in any room with your children from difficult beginnings.

Self-paced, no blame, no pressure, no shame.  

You will assess your wellness now, your hurts and resilience from early childhood, and past experiences that make you uniquely you. 

Attachment Style

Parenting Style
Coherent Narrative

All along you will connect in a trauma-informed parent community that "gets you."

Imagine how much easier and even fun it will be to work with other parents toward a common goal?! 
Daily access to an lived experienced Post Adoption Expert is Key.

"Essential and Advanced Life Changing Parenting Tools" 

Phase 2:

All About Your Neurodivergent Child(ren):

This is were you get new glasses to better see your child.

You will assess what happened in your child's early years?   

Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Strengths and Delays 
Lagging Skills
Unmet Needs

Get inside your child's brain with the mind of an attachment and trauma expert!  I've been training parents how heal their children for 25+ years. How much will it help to get inside my mind and see exactly how I approach families with Love+ Parenting?! See how it is really different than anything you have experienced before. In this phase...

I'll give you expert attachment and trauma information from neuroscience so that you can be the expert in your own family with your own children.

you'll discover...

    Including: Essential tools to stop the chaos, and advanced skills to end the aggression, with support for how to show up for yourself and for your child in a way that spells LOVE. That's a home run right there!
    When you learn to spot your attachment style and how it's keeping you from Loving Your Life, you will be amazed how easy it is to move yourself and your family toward more meaningful connections! 

    ...is they don't give you deep enough information for a long enough time to support you to stem the tide of negative feedback loops in your parent/child relationships due to trauma patterns.
    ...to be the parent your child needs you to be, the parent you always thought you would be, and to really create a life you love--PRICELESS!


Phase 3:

All the things you have learned before, read about, and some things you don't know yet about parenting children with trauma:

"It’s Not Enough to Simply KNOW about Parenting... 
You've Got To Be Able to Use It Too, Right?!"

Today's world is hard for all parents and children. Post COVID19 we have seen a huge rise in depression, anxiety, and suicidal behavior in everyone, and since 2012 we have seen a steady increase in statistics about child depression, child anxiety and child suicidal behavior. It is skyrocketing with no hint it will stop climbing any time soon. 

Now, add trauma to that!

Think about it! What do you need to do to create a family life where your children feel safe because you parent them with their history in mind; where you feel joyful because the chaos has subsided due to tools that work; where there is hope because you can think about something besides the next outburst; and because you have gained all the expertise you need to lead your family into peace and you into LOVING YOUR LIFE.

Inside Love Matters Parenting Society, I Walk you step-by-step through your entire transformation process

  • Easy-to-follow videos and exercises the busiest parent can follow and practice.
  • How to manage external resources--teachers, IEPs, OTs, psychiatrists, therapists!
  • Plus! Get access to attachment and trauma treatment expertise 
  • AND an incredible community of parents for support and advice any time. 

Someone is always available to help. I am in the program responding nearly every day.

Phase 4:

Now to the Delicious Part--Deepening Your Learning and Growing New Neuropathways for Living the Life You Love! 

The last thing you need is another parenting class you will forget tomorrow or another book sitting unread on your nightstand. This Training Program is different.  It is an EASY MASTERCLASS level Therapeutic Parent Program designed to create expertise at home.   There is no wasted time, just practice and feedback time.  One hour of your time a week will bring about the change you want while parenting children from difficult beginnings.  


That Is Why I Focus an Entire Step-by-Step Phase of this Training Program on YOU
You hold the keys to real change.  

If you can show up and you are coachable, you can get these steady and ready to apply skills when your kids get home from school today!  No kidding.

Every Great Program has a GUARANTEE
That Lets You Sleep Easily at Night!

The fact that you made it to reading this section means you already know this program will exponentially improve your life, but perhaps you still have a bit of doubt. Hesitation. Risk. I get it. Like…

"This sounds too good to be true! How am I supposed to know this is really what I need?” How do I know this is for real?

Well… That’s easy. Try it.





No Risk. Money Back Guarantee.

Jump in for a life-changing opportunity.  


I have been told by more than a few parents that they keep my book in their car, on their bedside, and even in their bathroom so they can catch a quick boost, reminder, and bite of wisdom throughout their days while carting kids around or waiting in the pick up line or at the doctor's office or, yes, in the library with toilet paper.

Get ALL of my little bites of wisdom,
when you jump into the program!
I hear they go a long way!

Over 380 Pages of Hope and Inspiration


When you register for the Love Matters Parenting Society Therapeutic Parent Program you'll receive instant access to everything you need to TRANSFORM your life! Including...

  • Essential and Advanced Tools to bust chaos and lead to felt safety for your child and satisfaction in your family life! 
  • 52 Videos, with Easy, Step-by-Step Exercises for optimal learning in podcast or video versions! 
  • Bonus Videos for Children to support regulation and playfulness in your family life!
  • One Hour Per Week to transform your family and, yes, Love Your Life.
  • Daily personalized feedback from me, a Post-Adoption Behavior Expert. 
  • A Robust Community of Parents all moving in the same direction toward happy family lives.

PLUS Optional Upgrade to monthly 1:1 coaching with me.

And much, much more!

Which do you choose?

Around $9000 a year for weekly therapy or all of this for much less?

Yes 👏🏻 I want to talk to Ce.

This Is the Breakdown of the Love Matters Parenting Society Therapeutic Parent Program

  • 52 state-of-the-art therapeutic parenting lessons designed to address Complex Developmental Trauma in your child(ren) and to heal the aftereffects of trauma from early childhood abuse, neglect, and abandonment. 

  • Downloadable Resource Guides to accompany short lessons containing clear and concise materials for assessing your child/self/family situation, deepen your therapeutic parenting understanding, grow your personal awareness, break old habits, and create new parenting neuropathways.

  • Weekly Coaching Groups to brainstorm, share, and learn together with other parents. 

  • Monthly (optional upgrade) office hours where you can schedule a 30-minute 1:1 coaching session with Ce Eshelman, LMFT, Attachment and Trauma Specialist.

  • 24/7 - 365 private group of parents who are learning, growing, and therapeutically parenting right alongside you. You will be surrounded by parents who "get" your family life.
  •  When you take my FREE masterclass you will get BONUSES along with the program, when you  jump in! 


This Program Is Focused on...

Helping You Live Your Best Life With Children From Difficult Beginnings



🙋 I just want in now! I want Ce to let me in!

"Ce! You have no idea how you changed my life."  

"Before this program I was out of my mind!  Ce! You have no idea how you changed my life.  I was blowing my top every day. The kids were completely off the hook and I just wanted to runaway.  I'm not saying it's perfect.  I'm saying I'm happy."

Mother of 1

In CASE There's Anything I Missed, Here are SoME Commonly Asked Questions!